800 System Help

800 System help consists of the following parts:

  • The "800 System Life Cycle" document which give you an overall picture of the events involved with Boating Course, Seminars, and Advanced Class Offerings management and when functions can and should be performed. It is broken down into three primary sections: Public Boating Courses; Seminars; and Advanced Class Offerings.

  • The "800 Services" document which is a road map for determining how to get to the form/page which allows you to perform a function. It is broken down into three primary sections: Public Boating Courses; Seminars; and Advanced Class Offerings.
  • The "800 Certificate Numbers and Membership" document which attempts to clarify how the 800 system uses certificate numbers to create permanent records of completions and how it works with membership software to create USPS University (UU) Memberships and Trial Memberships.
  • Every form and page in the 800 system has (or will have) a button which when clicked provides detailed information about the functions which can be performed using the page or form.
  • A training capability is available which allow you to perform 800 systems functions using the "NoneSuch" power squdaron. Boating Courses, Seminars and Advanced Offerings may be created, students and enrollees may be entered, and grades and attendance may be indicated. No actual ED26, ED27, or ED46 records are generate and set to HQ nor entered on the historical databases. In addition, the individual doing training will see the boating course, seminar or advanced offering on the "Locate a ..." page and may register using the online registration page. There are two documents which may be used as guides to do this training.