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Pompano Beach Power Squadron (4440) COW Organization Chart
for Job Year 2024 or later

Installation Date: 01/14/2024 Source: Jobs Management on 12/12/22

Note: Any position shown as ACTING has no incomming job holder and was assigned by default. Any position shown as Current JobYear was assigned by an OD current job change request for this job year.

View Current Squadron Job Assignments

Bridge Officers & Assistants
 Commander -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
 Administrative Officer -   Current JobYear  E301885  Lt/C Dave Evanosky, P 
 Educational Officer -   Current JobYear  E162859  Lt/C Hal Burke II, SN 
 Executive Officer -   ACTING  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
 Secretary -   Current JobYear  E226933  Lt/C Elisa Towbis, P 
 Treasurer -   Current JobYear  E290136  Lt/C Laura A. Booth, AP 
 Chairman Merit Marks -   Current JobYear  E131109  P/R/C Pete TenBrink, SN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Executive Officer
 Public Relations Chairman -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
 Vessel Safety Check Chairman -   Current JobYear  E228625  Lt Ronald E. Babin, S 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Educational Officer
 EdDept Member1 -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Secretary
 Historian Chairman -   Current JobYear  E268134  Lt Merrily C. Sparling 
 Information Technology Contact -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
 Public Contact -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
 Roster Contact -   Current JobYear  E290811  Lt Joyce I. Klein, AP 
 Ship's Store Chairman -   Current JobYear  E290811  Lt Joyce I. Klein, AP 
 Webmaster -   Current JobYear  E256539  Cdr James McEntee, P 
General Committees/Individuals
 Law Officer -   Current JobYear  E258083  Lt Sam C. Caliendo, AP 
Note: While a COW date was entered, no pending assignments have been made.