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Vero Beach Power Squadron (6075) COW Organization Chart
for Job Year 2024 or later

Installation Date: 12/20/2023 Source: Jobs Management on 12/20/23

Note: Any position shown as ACTING has no incomming job holder and was assigned by default. Any position shown as Current JobYear was assigned by an OD current job change request for this job year.

View Current Squadron Job Assignments

Bridge Officers & Assistants
 Commander - 2024    B011377  P/R/C Ellis D. Simon, SN 
 Administrative Officer - 2024    C053173  Lt/C Clyde A. Gordon 
 Educational Officer - 2024    E258923  Lt/C James Daniel Reay, JN 
 Executive Officer - 2024    0000000  P/R/C , SN 
 Secretary - 2024    F047671  Lt/C Sue F. Engler, P 
 Treasurer - 2024    E286112  Lt/C Susan C. Fenstermaker 
 Assistant Educational Officer - 2024    E188885  D/Lt Daniel A. Thomas, SN 
 Chairman Merit Marks - 2024    B011377  P/R/C Ellis D. Simon, SN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Executive Officer
 Co-operative Charting Chairman - 2024    B011377  P/R/C Ellis D. Simon, SN 
 Vessel Safety Check Chairman - 2024    E188885  D/Lt Daniel A. Thomas, SN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Educational Officer
 EdDept Member1 - 2024    E258923  Lt/C James Daniel Reay, JN 
 Seminars/Guides Chairman - 2024    E258923  Lt/C James Daniel Reay, JN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Administrative Officer
 Boating Activities Chairman - 2024    E117583  Lt Tom Barrett, S 
 Member Benefits Chairman - 2024    E220028  Lt Katherine I. Thomas, P 
 Member Involvement Chairman - 2024    E220028  Lt Katherine I. Thomas, P 
 Membership Chairman - 2024    E220028  Lt Katherine I. Thomas, P 
 Operations Training Chairman - 2024    E258923  Lt/C James Daniel Reay, JN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Secretary
 Information Technology Contact - 2024  ACTING  F047671  Lt/C Sue F. Engler, P 
 Public Contact - 2024    B011377  P/R/C Ellis D. Simon, SN 
 Roster Contact - 2024    E220028  Lt Katherine I. Thomas, P 
 Ship's Store Chairman - 2024    E259636  Lt Anne M. Cormier 
 Webmaster - 2024  ACTING  F047671  Lt/C Sue F. Engler, P