var newWin = null; var recs = "1"; var S = new Array ("",""); function goToURL(){ var args=goToURL.arguments; document.returnValue=false; eval(args[0]+".location='"+args[1]+"'"); } function ShowUsage(){ if (newWin && !newWin.closed){newWin.focus();return true;} newWin ="/info/help/sd_db.html","baby","resizable,status,scrollbars,width=600,height=600"); newWin.focus(); return true; } function doSqd(tp,nme){ goToURL('self','/cgi-bin-nat/tools/sd_dbx.cgi?'+tp+nme); } function subSquadForm(){ var f = document.squadform; if (f.act_type.value == "D"){ if (!confirm("\nDelete this Record? \n\nIt cannot be undone!\n")){ f.act_type.value = "U"; return false; } if (!confirm("\nAre you really sure? \n\nYou can still cancel!\n")){ f.act_type.value = "U";return false;} return true; } // Return false if Name field is blank. if ( == ""){ alert("\nThe Name field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Name."); return false; } if (f.type.value == "s"){f.type.value = "S";} if (f.type.value == "d"){f.type.value = "D";} // Return false if Type field is blank. if (f.type.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Type field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Type: S or D") f.type.focus(); return false; } // Return false if District field is blank. if (f.dist.value == "" && f.type.value == "S"){ alert("\nThe District field is blank.\n\nPlease enter District.") f.dist.focus(); return false; } // Return false if Number field is blank. if (f.sqnumber.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Number field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Number.") f.sqnumber.focus(); return false; } if (f.type.value == "D"){return true;} // Return false if Initials field is blank. if (f.initials.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Initials field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Initials.") f.initials.focus(); return false; } // Return false if State field is blank. if (f.state.options[f.state.selectedIndex].text == ""){ alert("\nThe State field is blank.\n\nPlease select a State.") f.state.focus(); return false; } return true; }

Squadron Information Display

Penfield Power Squadron

District-2    Initials-PF    State-CT
Name-Penfield Power Squadron    Show Squadrons in this district.

America's Boating Club Name:
Chartered: 1969
Last COW: 03/13/2024 for Watch Year 2024

Commander for 2024: Cdr Donald Peterson, JN    View Information C001356
View Squadron Org Chart                     View Squadron Jobs History
Website:    View WebGate Display
Face Book Address: None
News Letter Name: The Penfield Light
External Picture Library: None
Public Contact: Cdr Donald Peterson, JN   View Information C001356
IT Contact: Lt/C Lee A. Parratt, JN   View Information E018524
Area Covered/Time Zone: "Fairfield, Southport, Bridgeport, Stratford CT" / Eastern
Location Information:
ZIP 06824  FAIRFIELD, CT   "Fairfield" County   View Zip Code Details
41.13° (7.8') N LAT    73.28° (16.8') W LON Show on a Map

Squadron Membership:
40 Current Members. View Member List
0 Associate Members. View Associate Member List
View X-Member List
View List of Members with National Jobs.
View List of Members with District Jobs.
View List of Members with Squadron Jobs.

Record Last Modified: 02/28/23 by: JOBSLD

Squadron Burgee:

Squadron Burgee Heraldry:
The lighthouse refers to Penfield Light, which marks the reef extending out from Fairfield's Penfield Beach. The light is an active and prominent navigational object on the Connecticut side of Long Island Sound, the area in which most of the squadron's members or boats reside.
Squadron History

Squadron: Housatonic River Number: 2355 Initials: HS
Chartered: 1929
District: 2
In State: CT
Action: 2011 - Merged into Penfield
View Squadron Jobs History

Housatonic River Squadron Burgee

Housatonic River Squadron Burgee Heraldry

Our Squadron Pennant is represented by the figure of Orion, the Mighty Hunter, in white against the blue field of the heavens. Thirteen vertical stripes signify to the average observer that this flag is a pennant of the United States Power Squadrons.Th e red star, positioned in the left shoulder of the familiar figure of the constellation Orion, would further identify itself to many as Bellatrix, the 13th navigational star. The Housatonic River Power Squadron was the 13th unit formed among the squadr ons of the United States Power Squadrons.