The United States Power Squadrons - District 1


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D/1 has a rich history going back to 25 April, 1914 when our New Haven Squadron was organized. That Squadron has the distinction of being the oldest operating squadron in the USPS. Since then there have been a lot of tide changes and notable events.

The following timeline is a summary of key dates in the founding of District 1 and its local squadrons produced by D/1 Historian Cliff McKibbin, SN. This history was summarized in the 1989 75th anniversary booklet.

25 April, 1914 New Haven Squadron is founded. New Haven is the oldest operating squadron in USPS.
2 June, 1931 Middletown Squadron is founded.
28 November,1931 Hartford Squadron is founded.
January, 1938 C/C Wesley E. Morse, N of Hartford (Chief Commander 1937-1938) recommended the setting up of the present district organization and made our District #1.
14 April, 1939 New London Squadron is founded.
15 April, 1939 Springfield Squadron is founded.
25 April, 1940 New Britain Squadron is founded.
30 March, 1946 R/C Arthur N. Clifton, N of Springfield presided over the annual spring conference that ratified the first district bylaws in the USPS. P/C/C Frederic W. Keator, N of New Haven was chairman of the bylaws committee that developed them. These bylaws were used as models for other districts.
11 January, 1947 The National bylaws were changed to rename the “Rear Commander” to “District Commander.”
27 January, 1950 Westerly Squadron is founded.
6 February, 1953 Saybrook Squadron is founded.
27 April, 1953 Norwich Squadron is founded.
2 February, 1954 Meriden Squadron is founded.
28 February, 1957 Milford Squadron is founded.
14 January, 1961 Manchester Squadron is founded.
19 January, 1963 Waterbury Squadron is founded.
25 February, 2023 Milford Squadron is merged into the New Haven Squadron.
Westerly Squadron is merged into the Norwich Squadron

Past Chief Commanders, Rear Commanders, and District Commanders (pdf)

The History of District 1 (pdf)
submitted by P/D/C James E. Coley, JN former D/1 Historian

 History Of The United States Power Squadrons Ensign (pdf)
(by the National Historians Committee, 2004) Compiled by P/D/C James E. Coley, JN, National Historians Committee March 2004

Hartford perspective:
This history of Hartford Squadron
excerpted from the 75th Anniversary Special Issue of the Bilge Pump of the Hartford Power Squadron.
 This document also includes their historical notes and “Hartford Firsts” from their 75th Anniversary celebration.

Saybrook perspective: History of D/1 and Saybrook Squadron (pdf)
(as posted to the Saybrook web site - and used by permission of Saybrook Cdr. Lynn Billings-Thomas).
Saybrook Webmaster Keith Doucette
reports that this was read at a Saybrook Founders Day event by P/C Frank Gossett, and was probably written by him.




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Last modified:  05/18/2023                                                  Website Administrator: D/Lt Timothy F. Tyler, SN -