2018 - 2019 SQUADRON OFFICERS               






Phone and/or  eMail


Bridge Officers





Cdr Anthony Reyes, N

          (212) 461-2160
          areyesny at yahoo dot com *



Executive Officer

Lt/C Andy Papademetriou, N

          andypapad at yahoo dot com *


Educational Officer

Lt/C Frank Palmieri, JN

          FrankP56 at optonline dot net *



Administrative Officer

Lt/C Frederick R. Cronin, S

          goderf at aol dot com *




Lt/C Frank Demaria, S

          Frank at zeccaglass dot com *



Lt/C Ruth E. Harkin, P

          rzengara at gmail dot com *


Asst. Educational Officer

1stLt Paul Zengara, AP

          phzreh at icloud dot com *



* To our USPS® members and friends: We regret we have been forced to no longer hot link our email addresses. We apologize for the extra work needed to send email but we want to protect our addresses as best we can.

We're now using a funny form for email addresses on our website due to the amount of junk mail being generated by collecting email addresses and then selling the addresses to spammers and scam artists. Then these addresses start receiving tons of unwelcome emails. So we've made our email addresses less recognizable to the collecting programs by listing the addresses with the at ( @ ) sign and the dot (.) spelled out in this way:

AvoiDaSpam at mailserver dot com .

* * There really are three dots.