Cooperative charting

Cooperative Charting is a program of civic service performed by the United States Power Squadrons® in cooperation with the National Ocean Service (NOS), a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States Government.

Under this program, USPSŪ members supply information to the Marine Chart Division of the NOS and the national USPSŪ Cooperative Charting Committee.

This information is used by the government for the production of accurate and up-to-date nautical and aeronautical charts and related publications.  Information is also gathered to aid in the preservation of geodetic control stations in the National Geodetic Reference system.

The "Co-Op" Charting season is presently in full swing with squadron members taking full advantage of the Atlantic Ocean and the many beautiful waterways here in the New Jersey/New York area.  This is the time to be on the lookout for for those hazards to navigation that should be reported to the proper authorities to prevent  loss of life and/or property.

Report serious discrepancies to the US Coast Guard by appropriate means depending on the nature of the problem; immediately by VHF radio or other means where failure to report could result in loss of life and/or property. by phone after returning to shore where failure to report may result in no danger of loss of life or property, but could contribute to a stranding, grounding or collision. by surface mail where failure to report could result in a very slight chance of grounding or stranding, but corrective maintenance is needed.

When the weather cools and your boat is out of the water, co-op charting credits can be earned for yourself and Palisades Power Squadron by participating in aeronautical co-operative charting, coast pilot reports, small craft facility reports and geodetic mark recovery.   Reports are submitted through the squadron Cooperative Charting chairman. Details on these programs can be found in the CO-OP Charting section on the USPSŪ national website under "Cooperative Charting" in the "members only" area.

P/C Vic Godfrey, AP
Co-Op Charting Chairman                                                                         

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