
Auxiliary Advisory Committee
United States Power Squadrons
Sail and Power Boating

Vol. 11, No. 1
D/Lt Carmen Adamé P, Editor
August, 2000

From the Desk of the
Rear Commander
I do hope that you had a safe and fun filled summer on the water. It is hard to believe that the Governing Board Meeting in Grand Rapids was not yesterday. We had a marvelous, exciting presenter, D/C Steve Johnson, AP, from Oklahoma City. He really left us feeling that we had been at a revival. His presentation on how we can be "Bright Stars", on developing our personal traits, salesmanship in being "Bright Stars", how to communicate and have interaction with all was a big hit. The emphasis is really being a Mentor or having a buddy system. As Steve says "Sizzling Success depends on you".

Our Membership Enhancement Award will be presented in Baltimore. Chairman D/Lt Carmen Adamé P, reported that 11 Auxiliaries have increased in membership. We are very proud of them. It is most important to get your Annual Reports in promptly. As soon as you know your Bridge, send it in; they do not need to be installed at the time. The Enhancement Award is based on these reports.

The 2000-2001 Directory has been sent to National to be printed and mailed. Many thanks to P/R/C Priscilla B. Clarke, AP, for undertaking the immense job. 

It is always a pleasure to read the Auxiliary Activity reports. The reports prove that Auxiliaries are really needed. There are so many projects that they do for their Squadrons in addition to the educational items that they donate to the 

Squadrons. Auxiliaries make more sharing time with families which is priceless today. Please continue to spread the word, to old and new members, on the benefits of having and belonging to an Auxiliary.

Our EXPO Booth was very successful again, thanks to Chairman Martha Walker, AP. One of the highlights of the booth were the photos of your Auxiliary activities. Please submit them to Lt/C Ellen Carr, AP 70 Dory Road, Warwick RI 02886-7556. Please indicate if you want them returned.

I hope you all had an opportunity to read the Auxiliary Advisory article in the July issue of The ENSIGN by D/Lt Carmen Adamé.

The critique sheets that you complete indicate that you wish to have a "group discussion" on your successes and also we would like to know what the Auxiliary Advisory Committee can do to help you. We plan to do this in Baltimore on Saturday, 9 September, from 0830 to 1015 in the Calhoun Room. Please have you "successes" and questions ready.

Remember:    WE ARE STILL ALIVE.
                      WE ARE NEEDED.
                      WE ARE NECESSARY.

See you all in Baltimore!
R/C Patricia C Armstrong, JN
Chairman Auxiliary Advisory  Committee

10 JUNE 2000
R/C Armstrong called the meeting to order at 0910. The business was taken out of order to help the guest speaker fulfill his other USPS obligations.

D/C Steven Johnson, AP, from the Member Involvement Committee gave an informative presentation on mentoring and how it can enhance the squadron and auxiliary membership. The benefits are manifold and developing such a program will involve most members of the organization. This is a personal relationship that builds a bridge between established members and new members. It is worthwhile to pursue such a program in auxiliaries that wish to grow.

The minutes of the January Orlando meeting were approved as issued. Committee members present were Stf/C Frank Wright, N, D/Lt Carmen Adamé, P, D/Lt Rosemary Bialecki, P, D/Lt Reyna Henry, N, D/Lt Judy Holmes, AP, D/Lt Lois Neef, P, and D/Lt Martha Walker, AP.

Auxiliary Advisory Committee members and their guests were introduced.

Stf/C Frank Wright reported on present status of auxiliaries: 47 components and 1695 members. He also made a request

for timely submission of annual reports for all auxiliaries. Due to the absence of P/R/C Priscilla Clarke, AP, Stf/C Wright gave a status report on the Youth Poster Contest. P/R/C Clarke is completing the Auxiliary Directory and her work is much appreciated.

D/Lt Lois Neef will no longer be editor of the Auxiliary Newsletter. Her efforts in this department are much appreciated. The new editor is D/Lt Carmen Adamé.

D/Lt Martha Walker gave a status report on EXPO 2001 and requests that current pictures be sent to D/Lt Ellen Carr. The pictures are very important to the success of the EXPO booth.

The importance of the D/L/O to the auxiliaries within each district was discussed by Stf/C Wright. He defined the duties and informed the meeting that this information was available on the USPS website as well as the update on the model by-laws.

R/C Patricia Armstrong concluded the meeting by restating the importance of mentoring within the auxiliary as a means of completing family support for the squadron. She thanked everyone for coming and looks forward to seeing each one of them in Baltimore in September.
The meeting adjourned at 1000.

D/Lt Lois Neef has stepped down as editor of this newsletter. She has left behind a standard of reporting that I hope to continue in future issues. Thank you for your dedication, Lois.

Auxiliaries share the same joys, benefits, and problems. The members of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee wish to support, counsel, and encourage both the officers and members of individual auxiliaries in every way possible. We offer the following highlights of other auxiliaries activities.

The D/22 Spring Conference included a round table discussion about ways to encourage increased membership. Suggestions included: luncheon meetings, style shows, day tours, greeters, and telephone committees. Also, the possibility to extending auxiliary membership to men was discussed.

In the Cape Coral squadron, the CAPE MATES held bridge marathons both summer and winter as fund raisers and presented the squadron with $2000.00. They also participated in new member membership orientation meetings to encourage auxiliary as well as squadron membership.


The Vero Beach PS Auxiliary in D/8 supplied funds to the squadron to remodel the ladies room in the squadron building and donated $1000.00 toward new carpeting.

Greenville PS Auxiliary, D/26 is working with their squadron on a waterway sign project to place USPS signs on the water side of boat ramps on Lake Hartwell.

During spring break and summer vacation, the BANANA PEELS of Banana River PS (D/23) helped run two Junior Safe Boating Courses for young students ages 10-16. The members assisted squadron instructors with proctoring, registration, and provided snacks. Sixty students graduated.

The Fort Myers PS "C" BELLES, D/22, hosted a luncheon to recognize past presidents and new members. This is a good way to encourage and recruit new officers.

All the activities mentioned above benefited the community, the squadron and the individual members. Most of all, they provided some healthy FUN!

Please attend the Open Meeting of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee in Baltimore for more good ideas.

As the new editor, I would appreciated receiving squadron newsletters. 