You have been selected by your membership,

to perform a very important service

for your organization.

Each of you has a specific responsibility,

but also a collective obligation

in the guidance of the Auxiliary

for the coming year.

I ask that you make the following pledge.

I do solemnly pledge myself,

That during the term of my office

I will perform faithfully and impartially

The duties which I am about to assume.

That I will afford full assistance to our President;

And I will work in harmony

With my fellow officers,

Always remembering my responsibility

To my fellow members.

Original written by P/C William E. Brown, AP

Swiftwater Power Squadron, D/6 1972

Submitted by: Stf/C Priscilla B. Clarke, AP

Approved by V/C L.M. Barnes, III N

Administrative Officer and

R/C Frank Thompson, N Law Officer

May 15, 1992 at Orlando Governing Board Meeting
