At the 22 January 1999 Auxiliary Advisory meeting in Orlando FL, held in conjunction with the USPS Annual Meeting, the following approved changes to the Model Bylaws for Auxiliaries of Squadrons were announced. Please update your auxiliary bylaws to reflect these changes. (Old wording is noted in italics).


Section 3.1 - Membership in this auxiliary is by application only.

Old wording: Membership in this auxiliary is by invitation only.
Section 3.2 - Regular membership in the auxiliary shall be open to members of USPS, their spouses, relatives by blood or marriage and individuals residing in the same household. Blood relatives residing outside member's household are also eligible for membership. Eligibility for continuing membership shall not terminate because of the death of the USPS member. Old wording: Regular membership in the auxiliary shall be open to members of USPS, their spouses, and relatives by blood or marriage residing in the same household. Eligibility for continuing membership shall not terminate because of the death of the USPS member. Section 3.3 - Regular members shall consist of individuals not less than 16 years of age, who have been recommended by the Membership Committee and accepted by the Executive Committee. Old wording: Regular members shall consist of individuals not less than 18 years of age, who have been recommended by the Membership Committee and accepted by the Executive Committee. Section 3.4 - The Membership Committee shall from time to time recommend to the Executive Committee, in writing, qualified individuals for regular membership in the auxiliary. Regular membership in the auxiliary for qualified individuals shall be effective immediately following approval by the Executive Committee and payment of any entrance fees and dues. Old wording: The Membership Committee shall from time to time recommend to the Executive Committee, in writing, qualified individuals for election to regular membership in the auxiliary and no individual shall be elected to membership unless so recommended.
Section 4.1 - The elective officers of the auxiliary shall be president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer who shall be elected as provided herein or any combination of the above to ensure the proper management of the Auxiliary. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person if so authorized by the Executive Committee. Old wording: The elective officers of the auxiliary shall be president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer who shall be elected as provided herein. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person if so authorized by the Executive Committee.
Section 5.3.4 - Notify applicants of their acceptance to membership. Old wording: Notify invitees of their election to membership. Section 5.5.8 - Approve individuals, by majority vote of those present and voting, to regular membership in the auxiliary. Old wording: Elect individuals, by majority vote of those present and voting, to regular membership in the auxiliary.


Section 6.2 - It is recommended that all elected officers shall hold office for one year and shall not be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Old wording: Except as otherwise provided, all elected officers shall hold office for one year and shall not be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Section 6.3 - It is recommended that no member may hold two elective offices at the same time except that the office of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person. Old wording: No member may hold two elective offices at the same time except that the offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person.

Section 7.2 - Upon approval for regular membership each new member shall pay any entrance fees and the dues for the current year.

Old wording: Upon election to regular membership each new member shall pay any entrance fees and the dues for the current year. The procedure to follow to replace the wording currently used with the aforementioned wording is:
  1. In accordance with your current bylaws, publish in your newsletter or notify your members by letter of the aforementioned wording;
  2. At the following business meeting, vote on the aforementioned wording; and
  3. Provide to the chairman of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee a copy of the notice and the minutes, or an extract therefrom, of the meeting at which the vote was taken.
The name and address for the Chairman of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee can be found on the inside back cover page of the current issue of The ENSIGN.
