You have been selected by the members of

(insert name of organization) , to be

their President and lead the Auxiliary for the coming year.

This indicates confidence

in your ability and integrity.

I ask that you make the following pledge,

raising your right hand and repeating after me.

I do solemnly pledge

That I will serve (insert name of organization)

Faithfully as President;

Keeping always in mind

The best interests of the organization.

I will conduct our meetings in a dignified manner,

Striving to uphold the standards of the Auxiliary,

I will accept the responsibility of seeing

That my officers and committee persons

Carry out their designated assignments;

And I will always bear in mind

My responsibility to consider

The desires of the membership,

Provided they are not contrary

To our By-laws.

Original written by P/C William E. Brown, AP

Swiftwater Power Squadron, D/6 1972
