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Committee on Nominations

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Recent Changes

The on-line resume form has been completely redesigned, and many new features have been added. While some of the new features are hidden in the background, several of the new features will be visible to members.

  • Members are no longer required to enter a first and last name in addition to their certificate number. This created problems in the past when a full name was used the first time and a nickname was used later.
  • Information stored in the headquarter's computer (i.e., certificate number, rank, grade, merit marks, etc.) is now automatically added to all new and updated resumes. This means that members are no longer required to enter this information.
  • National committee chairmen now have access to the resumes of members that have selected their committee as an assignment preference. Committee chairmen can view these resumes on-line or request an e-mail copy.
  • The resume form now allows members to enter district and squadron assignments preferences in addition to their national assignment preferences. District and squadron commanders are able to view this information on-line.
  • Finally, the ComNom website has been brought in to compliance with the new USPS web specifications.

Please let the committee know about any suggestions or concerns that you have.

(For those authorized)

Committee Members


R/C M. Ellen Barbour, SN

Stf/C William D. Selden, V, AP
P/R/C Donald Clark, SN
P/R/C Susan Darcy, JN
P/C/C Frank A. Dvorak, SN
P/R/C S. Patricia Greer, SN
D/L Connie J. Johnson, SN
P/V/C Joseph R. Mesenburg, SN

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