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Educational Department
- Model Anchor Set -

Lamp of Learning


Model Anchor Set


Fire Extinguisher Training System PictureThese model anchors come as 11 per set. They are an excellent tool for squadrons and districts to use when teaching anchoring techniques in classes and seminars. They may be borrowed by submitting a completed Standard Order Form to USPS Customer Service. The item number is 11-63-001, and the description is Stainless Steel Anchor Set. There is no charge to squadrons or districts to use, but you must pay for freight.

You can view the current on-line schedule of the three anchor sets.

Click here to see a bigger picture of an anchor set.

Please do not hold on to the model anchors after the event is over. The model anchors have been reserved by other districts and squadrons and they must be shipped immediately. If a squadron has given them to another squadron that has not ordered them from Headquarters, it deprives a squadron that has followed the rules from having them when they need them. If this rule is not strictly adhered to, we will have to require that the model anchors are returned to Headquarters after each use. This would mean that additional freight charges will be incurred, and some squadrons won’t receive the model anchors in time for their event.

Questions may be directed to Customer Service at


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This page last updated Saturday, January 11, 2020 21:48