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National Law

My Squadron/District Has a Legal Problem.
Will LawCom Help?

The primary responsibility of the Law Committee is to give advice to the National Departments and Committees. The committee has limited resources and a heavy agenda (nearly 200 items every year).  Half of the inquiries come from our primary clients at the National level.  The rest come from squadrons and districts.  The Law Committee urges the use of local law officers to help manage this workload.

State and local laws will be involved in most matters affecting squadrons or districts. Sound advice on such matters must come from a local attorney with the experience and resources to deal with them. If your Squadron or District has a Law Officer, LawCom must respect the client-attorney relationship you have created.  We suggest that you start with these local officers.

If the problem is urgent, appears insurmountable, or may have repercussions for National, contact us.

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