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The Ensign


The Ensign Committee 3.54 The Ensign Committee includes feature writers, book reviewers, consultants, artists, photographers and Newsletter Readers who review all squadron newsletters for newsworthy articles for publication. All squadron and district Ensign Correspondents are members of this committee. The Ensign's professional staff is responsible for editing and publishing The Ensign, the official magazine of the USPS [Bylaw 19.4]. It is composed of an editor, an associate editor, an administrative assistant and contract advertising solicitors. The Ensign Committee works in coordination with The Ensign staff in order to obtain feature articles and photographs for inclusion in issues of the national magazine.

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R/C Baraff Stf/C Absten
R/C Marjorie Baraff, AP
Stf/C Gregory T. Absten, AP

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