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USPS Headquarters


USPS Headquarters 3.47 In addition to duties specified in USPS Bylaws, the secretary is in charge of USPS headquarters. The office is staffed by employees, none of whom is a member of USPS or a relative of a USPS member's family. The headquarters building, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, provides suitable space for the office staff, a library, a shipping department and warehousing. The clerical details of the secretary's and treasurer's departments are handled at headquarters. Squadron merchandise is packaged and shipped from there. Headquarters personnel maintain the individual membership records and the addressing files for The Ensign. Computerized mailing labels for squadron and district use are available at moderate cost. All educational course materials are shipped from headquarters' stock, and examinations for the course are ordered from this office. All educational department activities are handled in accordance with directives issued by that department and detailed instructions for ordering and reporting appear in the Operations Manual or are shown on various USPS forms.

Headquarters Contacts
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