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How To Do
More VSCs


Master VE Robert Holub shares some of his thoughts on how to increase your VSC totals.
(Rob has over 20,000 VSCs completed)



VSC Paperwork  

Local Marina’s  -  Boat Ramps  -  Repeat Inspections 

Go to or join Clubs in 

Fishing Clubs  -  Sail Clubs  -  Canoe Clubs  -  Kayak Clubs  Club Races and Contests 

 Go to the clubs and offer to do inspections before anyone can enter the contest. Explain that insurance comply would love that all who entered had a VSC examination before they could enter the contest. Do the inspection before the boats enter the water and are all lined up on land.


  Do inspections on the boats coming out at the end of the year so the owner know what they will need to get in the spring so that a family member can give it to them over the Holidays. This is sure bet you will be called first before the boat goes back in.


  Go to the boat ramps early in the morning and in the late in the afternoon to get the most traffic at the ramp. Keep asking to do the inspections even if they have said no in the past.


The more inspections you do the better chance you could save their life or avoid a search and rescue of that vessel.


Remember, every inspection you do could also be a new member to your

squadron or district.


Robert Holub

Jones Beach, D/03


Boating Is Fun, Let Us Show You How

Stf/C Lee R. Chasse
USPS VSC Program Chair

Revised 03/08/2012

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