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Life Jacket


Life Jacket Cylinder Information


From Tom Kemp USPS HQ




Life Jacket Cylinders for Demonstrations Now Available


The National Water Safety Congress will provide inflatable life jacket cylinders to all squadrons for

demonstration purposes at a reduced rate. The cylinders are manufacturer’s seconds that can’t be

sold at retail but are usable and safe. Districts and squadrons should email me their cylinder

manufacturer, and I’ll get the prices. For example, the Mustang VSC Life Jacket model number

MD3003 takes an ISI 3.5-oz. cartridge—that’s the detail I need for ordering. Pricing will depend on

quantity, and I’ll “gang” orders to get better pricing. — Tom Kemp


The only cartridges we’re carrying now is the replacement cartridge for the Mustang #3003 that VSC

Committee is providing. We had originally offered replacement cartridges for Revere #61018 and

Sospender V85000. We dropped Revere and Sospender because not enough squadrons responded

and once our stock was exhausted we dropped them.

We have the replacement cartridges for the Mustang #3003’s in stock at a price of $4.30 each plus

shipping. The item number for ordering from the Ships Store is 05-55-109.

I see from emails received that some units would like cartridges from Stearns (Coleman). Since

almost all squadrons use the Mustang provided to us free from the CG, I’d recommend ordering what

you need for VSC’s from the VSC Order Form and inflating them for demonstration purposes.

The Ships Store cannot list these cartridges on the VSC Supply order form because they're seconds

and rejects. They’re o.k. for demonstration purposes but not for resale at retail prices. We get these

from the National Water Safety Congress, not the manufacturer.


Please note that these cartridges come WITHOUT the GREEN reset

button which indicate the device is ready. It is suggested that units call

Mustang and see if they can provide a small supply for the recharging

feature. (Your Safety/VSC Chair will check further on this item)


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Stf/C Lee R. Chasse
USPS Chair VSC Program

Revised 03/15/2012

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