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Life Jackets To USPS


You Want To Return Excess

Life Jackets to USPS Headquarters


Disposition of Damaged Life Jackets


At times a decision is going to be made to want to return some of the inflatable life jackets to headquarters USPS for a variety of reasons. Let's see how to do this.

Return Excess Inflatable Life Jackets to USPS

The District OR Squadron VSC Chair making a decision to return excess life jackets to USPS Headquarters should follow the procedure listed below:

1. Insure the life jackets are packed properly and shipped via the least expensive manner to Headquarters at the following address:

Art Stevens
c/o United States Power Squadrons
1504 Blue Ridge Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607

For some methods of shipment a phone number is required so Arts number at Hq is 1-888-367-8777 extension 214

2. Insure the jackets are packed properly for protection and inquire of the shipper if the cartridges should be removed for safety and follow their instructions.

3. Upon shipping, notify the following individuals of the shipment and the number of jackets being returned to Hq inventory:

Art Stevens - email is

Lena Padro - email is

Lee Chasse - email is

4. Art Stevens will reply to all when the records are received at Hq, thereby completing accountability for the jackets.

Disposition of Damaged Inflatable Life Jackets

When a life jacket is inspected and deemed unserviceable and unusable, it should be disposed of properly, a record made with the Squadron and District VSC Chairs and accounted for as destroyed on the yearly VSC-5 report which is required by 15 November of each year.

Boating Is Fun, Let Us Show You How

Stf/C Lee R. Chasse
USPS VSC Program Chair

Revised 05/14/2012

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