Merit Mark Guide

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How to enter into and submit from DB2000  
The Submission process 
Co-op Recommendations

This document describes the merit mark process and how to use DB2000 to submit merit marks.
DB2000 is now the only approved way to prepare and submit merit mark recommendations.
Merit Marks
A merit mark is the only means the squadron has for recognizing or rewarding members for contributing to the goals of USPS. Annually around November 15th, each responsible officer recommends those members reporting to him, whom he feels warrant such recognition. The MM component of DB2000 is used for creating, maintaining, and tracking merit mark recommendations. The integration of merit mark processing with the organization’s database in DB2000 simplifies the merit mark data entry process. Furthermore, DB2000 has the ability to import an existing merit mark file from a prior year to kick-start your efforts.

Writing Recommendations:
Merit marks are awarded on the basis of substantial personal efforts and/or results on the behalf of USPS. Please familiarize yourself with Chapter 16 of the USPS Operations Manual.

If you recommend someone who: Include this in your recommendation:
Taught courses: Name of Course (e.g. AP)
Number of class SESSIONS taught
Number of class SESSIONS proctored
Above to be shown in Educational Columns
In certain instances, some explanation of exact duties may help — use the Valuable Service box
Attended meetings: Attending meetings is a privilege of membership and does not count towards a merit mark unless attending in official capacity and/or reporting to the members such as an officer, committee chairman making a report, delegate to a district conference or national meeting, etc.
Took part in committee meetings: How many meetings were held?
How many meetings were attended by the member?
What did the member do as a member of the committee other than attend?
Words such as the following need further explanation:
Worked, Assisted, Participated, Helped
Describe the ACTIONS!!
Describe the RESULTS!!
Served on telephone committee: How many persons called?
How often were calls made?
Served on Cooperative Charting committee: How many TRIPS were made?
How many REPORTS were submitted? NOT CREDITS RECEIVED.
Served on Rendezvous committee: Did they plan the rendezvous (check locations, contact marinas, etc.)?
Did they help in docking or tying-up boats?
Did they cook, serve, clean-up, buy food? (NOT DONATE)
Served on Publication committee: Did they write articles?
Did they print, assemble, staple?
Did they put on labels, stamps, mail?
Served on Rules committee: Were bylaws reviewed?
Were bylaws revised?
How many meetings were held?
How many meetings did the member attend?
Served on Executive committee: How many meetings were held?
How many meetings did the member attend?
For what purpose was the member at the meeting?
How did the member participate?
Served on Membership committee: How many meetings were held?
How many meetings did the member attend?
Did the person perform any interviews? How many?
Worked the Boat Shows: How many meetings were held?
How many meetings did the member attend?
Did the person perform any interviews? How many?
Served as Port Captain: How many inquiries were received?
How much work or time was required to answer the inquiries?
Served as Chaplain: How many meetings were held?
How many meetings did the member attend and give invocations or benedictions?
Did the member conduct any services for the members?
Served as Law Officer: What was done?
Were any legal papers prepared?
What specific legal advice was given?
Served on Auditing Committee: Was an audit done and was it presented to the membership?
How many meetings were held?
How many meetings were attended?

Merit Mark submissions are limited in the amount of data you can provide. Just 2 courses taught or proctored and 438 characters in the Valuable Service Performed. The Area Monitor does not want to wade through an epistle.

Back to Table of Content       
How to enter into and submit from DB2000       
The Submission process
Co-op Recommendations