So you know a lot about boating? Try our quiz.
Pick your answer Yes or No and then click to get the answer.

Yes No Does a LUBBER LINE hold the compass in place?

Yes No Is TIDE the horizontal movement of water?

Yes No Would a compass bearing help determine a vessel's position?

Yes No Do the white colored areas on nautical charts indicate deep navigable waters?

Yes No Should you treat hypothermia by warming the victim's extremities?

Yes No Would a boat on a true course of 270 degrees be heading east?

Yes No Is a life preserver necessary for every person aboard a boat?

Yes No Should a POWERBOAT sound a bell when underway in a fog?

Yes NoIs the port running light a green light?

Yes No Are gasoline fumes lighter than air?

Yes No Is the purpose of the 'navigation rules' to prevent collision?

Yes No Does a SPRING LINE often help in docking a boat?

Yes No Is the skipper liable for damage caused by the vessels wake?

Yes No When anchoring, does the amount of line you pay out affect the holding power of the anchor?

Yes No Do coastal navigation charts show water depths?.

Yes No Are NUN buoys usually even numbered and painted red?

Yes No Is 'WINDWARD' a direction AWAY from the wind?

Yes No Do boats under sail always have the right of way over powerboats?

Yes No Do six feet equal a fathom?

Yes No When a person is being towed, must there be a spotter on board who can monitor the towing activity at all times.

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