District 30 Boating Courses

If the course listing has a status of "Registration Closed", the course has already begun. The course contact will be able to tell you if late registration is permitted.

If the status is "Pending", a course in the same location is tentatively scheduled for the season listed. Check here for future schedule updates or try the contact for further information.

If the status is "Schedule Pending", the listed squadron has not decided where or when to hold their next course. The contact may be able to supply more information.

Courses are listed by City where they are taught within State.

Squadron: Boulder Valley  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Ron Schwiesow  Phone: 303-447-9880
Email:  nanron62@msn.com
City: Boulder, CO 80304
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Four Rivers  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Richard McGaughy  Phone: 319-378-9254
Email:  dickmcg1@mchsi.com
City: Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Grand Lake  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Bob Hunt  Phone: 918-787-8900
Email:  bobofgrand@gmail.com
City: Grove, OK 74344
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Kansas City  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr
Contact: Earl Tracy  Phone: 913-310-0098
Email:  etracy1@everestkc.net
City: Mission, KS 66202
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Des Moines  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Kenneth Danley  Phone: 515-265-4158
Email:  kdanley212@mchsi.com
City: Polk City, IA 50226
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Phoenix  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Bill Johnson  Phone: 602-525-6318
Email:  billj6@gmail.com
City: Tucson, AZ 85749
STATUS: Schedule Pending

Squadron: Waterloo  District: 30 - America's Boating Course - 8hr
Contact: George J Shimek  Phone: 319-233-6813
Email:  casey_rs@msn.com
City: Waterloo, IA 50702
STATUS: Schedule Pending

District 30 Seminars

Seminars are listed by City where they are taught within District.

Courses are listed by City where they are taught within State.

District 30 Classes

Classes are listed by City where they are taught within District.

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