District 16 Contacts

The contacts listed below are the individual squadron. If you are interested in membership or have any questions requarding the specific squadron, ask them to have their membership chairperson contact you. If you are unable to find a contact or have trouble reaching them call 1-888-FOR-USPS

District 16
WebSite: www.uspsd16.org
Contact: D/C Tom Dalgliesh, SN
Phone: 360-366-3348
Email: waverleytom@gmail.com
Location: Washington

Bellevue Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.bellevuepowersquadron.org
Contact: Cdr Willa M. Conrad, P
Phone: 425-823-0968
Email: willaconrad41@gmail.com
Location: Lake Washington Area
Centered around: BELLEVUE, WA 98005

Bellingham Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.boatingisfun.org
Contact: Cdr Robert McCarthy
Phone: 360-595-8435
Email: robertemccarthy@hotmail.com
Location: Bellingham
Centered around: BELLINGHAM, WA 98228

Bremerton Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.bremertonpowersquadron.org/
Contact: Cdr Robert M. Allen, S
Phone: 360-731-5312
Email: kabob@wavecable.com
Location: Bremerton
Centered around: BREMERTON, WA 98310

Deception Pass Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.deceptionpasssailandpowersquadron.com
Contact: Lt Jennifer N. Geller, P
Phone: 949-275-8730
Email: geller.jen@gmail.com
Location: Whidbey Island, Fidalgo, Island
Centered around: OAK HARBOR, WA 98277

Everett Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.everettsailandpowersquadron.com
Contact: Cdr Darcy Christine Baker, AP
Phone: 425-760-6475
Email: thebakerfamily4@comcast.net
Location: Everett, Washington and surrounding Snohomish County.
Centered around: EVERETT, WA 98201

Friday Harbor Power Squadron
WebSite: abcsji.org
Contact: Lt/C Ann E. Einboden, AP
Phone: 360-378-3288
Email: anneinboden@gmail.com
Location: San Juan Islands in the NW of Washington State
Centered around: FRIDAY HARBOR, WA 98250

North Olympic Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.northolympicboaters.com
Contact: Cdr Thomas D. Fitzpatrick, P
Phone: 310-995-1096
Email: cmdr.nosps.tfitz@gmail.com
Location: Northwest Washington State
Centered around: PORT ANGELES, WA 98362

North Star Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/sss-ntr
Contact: P/C Marie M. Scholle, P
Phone: 907-479-7498
Email: mmscholle@alaska.edu
Location: 50 miles from Fairbanks Alaska
Centered around: FAIRBANKS, AK 99701

Point Wilson Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: pointwilson.org
Contact: Cdr Linda A. Newland, SN
Phone: 510-501-9899
Email: sailbabe123@gmail.com
Centered around: PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368

Seattle Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.seattlesailpowersquadron.org
Contact: Cdr Mike T. Lancey, AP
Phone: 206-930-8004
Email: mikelancey@gmail.com
Location: Seattle
Centered around: SEATTLE, WA 98107

Skagit Bay Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.skagitsquadron.org/
Contact: Cdr Mark N. Richey, SN
Phone: 360-387-1260
Email: damnrich@wavecable.com
Location: N. Puget Sound, Anacortes, Skagit & Stillaguamish Rivers
Centered around: MOUNT VERNON, WA 98273

Spokane Sail & Power Squadron
Contact: NONE
Centered around: SPOKANE, WA 99205

Tacoma Power Squadron
WebSite: www.tacomapowerandsailsquadron.org
Contact: Lt Jackie M. Mattox, AP
Phone: 253-581-1732
Email: jrgeezers@comcast.net
Location: Pacific Northwest
Centered around: TACOMA, WA 98407