District 9 Contacts

The contacts listed below are the individual squadron. If you are interested in membership or have any questions requarding the specific squadron, ask them to have their membership chairperson contact you. If you are unable to find a contact or have trouble reaching them call 1-888-FOR-USPS

District 9
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/d9
Contact: D/C Chester Dunbar Jr., AP
Phone: 313-864-8217
Email: dcdr@chetdunbar.com
Location: Michigan

Anchor Bay Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/anchorbay
Contact: Lt Forrest A. Walker
Phone: 810-512-4660
Email: walker00@comcast.net
Location: Communities North and West of Lake St. Clair
Centered around: NEW BALTIMORE, MI 48047

Ann Arbor Power Squadron
WebSite: www.aaspsq.org
Contact: Cdr Ronald Schwartz, SN
Phone: 734-769-3476
Email: schwartzr348@aol.com
Location: Ann Arbor area
Centered around: ANN ARBOR, MI 48105

Birmingham Power Squadron
WebSite: www.bpsd9.org
Contact: Stf/C David Kowalski, SN
Phone: 248-486-3353
Email: dkkowalski@comcast.net
Location: Oakland and Macomb Counties in MI
Centered around: BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48302

Dearborn Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/sss-db
Contact: Cdr Frederick J. Hoitash, SN
Phone: 734-649-1335
Email: cfdist@comcast.net
Location: Dearborn
Centered around: WESTLAND, MI 48186

Detroit Power Squadron
WebSite: abcofdetroit.org
Contact: Lt Diane Michele Dawes, JN
Phone: 586-246-3844
Email: wmmiller@aol.com
Location: Detroit
Centered around: DETROIT, MI 48201

Flint Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/sss-fl
Contact: Lt/C Joe Grathoff, AP
Phone: 810-347-7487
Email: grathoff@hotmail.com
Location: North central Michigan
Centered around: FLINT, MI 48501

Grand Traverse Bay Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/gtbay
Contact: Lt Thomas W. Stone, JN
Phone: 231-932-2036
Email: tnjstone@charter.net
Location: Northwest Lower Peninsula
Centered around: TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49684

Grosse Pointe Power Squadron
WebSite: gpps-d9.com
Contact: Lt Rose Stano, AP
Phone: 000-000-0000
Email: rstano@comcast.net
Location: Grosse Pointe Area
Centered around: GROSSE POINTE, MI 48236

Lansing Sail & Power Squadron
Contact: NONE
Location: Lansing & Mid Michigan
Centered around: LANSING, MI 48910

Mount Clemens Power Squadron
WebSite: www.usps.org/localusps/sss-mc
Contact: Lt M. Pam Horner, JN
Phone: 586-610-4461
Email: pamhorner@wowway.com
Location: Mount Clemens
Centered around: MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48043

Port Huron Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: phpsd9.com
Contact: Lt/C Teena M. Lashbrook, AP
Phone: 810-434-7267
Email: d2lash@hotmail.com
Centered around: PORT HURON, MI 48060

Saginaw Bay Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.sbpowersquadron.org
Contact: Cdr Guy Robert Greve, P
Email: ggreve@sbcglobal.net
Location: Saginaw Bay
Centered around: BAY CITY, MI 48706

St. Clair Shores Sail & Power Squadron
WebSite: www.scssps.org
Contact: Cdr Matthew R. Grafton, S
Phone: 586-630-0712
Email: mattrgrafton@gmail.com
Location: St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Centered around: SAINT CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080

Wyandotte Power Squadron
WebSite: usps.org/localusps/sss-wd
Contact: Cdr Kim Ratcliff, AP
Phone: 734-718-2414
Email: kimberleyratcliff@aol.com
Location: Southeast Michigan
Centered around: TAYLOR, MI 48180