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Jacksonville Sail & Power Squadron (2490) COW Organization Chart
for Job Year 2024 or later

Installation Date: 02/13/2024 Source: Jobs Management on 02/09/24

Note: Any position shown as ACTING has no incomming job holder and was assigned by default. Any position shown as Current JobYear was assigned by an OD current job change request for this job year.

View Current Squadron Job Assignments

Bridge Officers & Assistants
 Commander - 2024    E307934  Cdr Buddy Poe, AP 
 Administrative Officer - 2024    E192436  Lt/C Tim Wysocki, P 
 Educational Officer - 2024    E225796  D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN 
 Executive Officer - 2024    E311994  Lt/C Andrea Schappert, S 
 Secretary - 2024    E283099  Lt/C Robert DeComo, AP 
 Treasurer - 2024    E318657  Lt/C Travis L. Ewing 
 Assistant Educational Officer - 2024    E311992  1st/Lt David K. Gillum, P 
 Chairman Merit Marks - 2024    E043203  D/Chpln Jim Spencer Jr., SN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Executive Officer
 Safety Chairman - 2024    E224426  D/Lt Jon M. Vanatta, S 
 Vessel Safety Check Chairman - 2024    E224426  D/Lt Jon M. Vanatta, S 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Educational Officer
 Advanced/Elective Courses Chairman - 2024    E179311  D/Lt/C Mark Adams, SN 
 BOC Training Chairman - 2024    E287580  D/C Gary N. Callahan, SN 
 EdDept Member1 - 2024  Current JobYear  E311992  1st/Lt David K. Gillum, P 
 EdDept Member2 - 2024  Current JobYear  E228312  P/D/C Jim Suber, AP 
 EdDept Member3 - 2024    E311992  1st/Lt David K. Gillum, P 
 ID/ID Recert/Teaching Aids Chairman - 2024    D024783  Lt Dick Leatherman, SN 
 On Water Training Coordintor - 2024    E225796  D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN 
 Public Boating Education Chairman - 2024    E225796  D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN 
 Seminars/Guides Chairman - 2024    E225796  D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Administrative Officer
 Membership Chairman - 2024    E225796  D/Lt/C Tom Anderson, SN 
 Operations Training Chairman - 2024    E228312  P/D/C Jim Suber, AP 
 Port Captain - 2024    E228312  P/D/C Jim Suber, AP 
Committees/Individuals reporting to the Secretary
 Information Technology Contact - 2024    E307934  Cdr Buddy Poe, AP 
 Newsletter Chairman - 2024    E311994  Lt/C Andrea Schappert, S 
 Public Contact - 2024    E228312  P/D/C Jim Suber, AP 
 Roster Contact - 2024    E134007  Lt Bud Newton, SN 
 Ship's Store Chairman - 2024    E134008  Lt Linda F. Newton, AP 
 Webmaster - 2024    E322395  Robert E. Morgan 
General Committees/Individuals
 Chairman Nominating Committee - 2024    E276237  P/C Elmo Bailey, AP