var newWin = null; var recs = "1"; var S = new Array ("",""); function GoToURL(target,page) { var f = document.classes; document.returnValue = false; eval(target+".location='"+page+"'"); } function goToURL(){ var args=goToURL.arguments; document.returnValue=false; eval(args[0]+".location='"+args[1]+"'"); } function ShowUsage(){ if (newWin && !newWin.closed){newWin.focus();return true;} newWin ="/info/help/sd_db.html","baby", "resizable,status,scrollbars,width=600,height=600"); newWin.focus(); return true; } function doSqd(tp,nme){ goToURL('self','/cgi-bin-nat/tools/sd_dbx.cgi?'+tp+nme); } function pschedule(account){ goToURL('self','/cgi-bin-nat/org/startcow.cgi?'+account); } function subSquadForm(){ var f = document.squadform; if (f.act_type.value == "D"){ if (!confirm("\nDelete this Record? \n\nIt cannot be undone!\n")){ f.act_type.value = "U"; return false; } if (!confirm("\nAre you really sure? \n\nYou can still cancel!\n")){ f.act_type.value = "U";return false;} return true; } // Return false if Name field is blank. if ( == ""){ alert("\nThe Name field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Name."); return false; } if (f.type.value == "s"){f.type.value = "S";} if (f.type.value == "d"){f.type.value = "D";} // Return false if Type field is blank. if (f.type.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Type field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Type: S or D") f.type.focus(); return false; } // Return false if District field is blank. if (f.dist.value == "" && f.type.value == "S"){ alert("\nThe District field is blank.\n\nPlease enter District.") f.dist.focus(); return false; } // Return false if Number field is blank. if (f.sqnumber.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Number field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Number.") f.sqnumber.focus(); return false; } if (f.type.value == "D"){return true;} // Return false if Initials field is blank. if (f.initials.value == ""){ alert("\nThe Initials field is blank.\n\nPlease enter Initials.") f.initials.focus(); return false; } // Return false if State field is blank. if (f.state.options[f.state.selectedIndex].text == ""){ alert("\nThe State field is blank.\n\nPlease select a State.") f.state.focus(); return false; } return true; }

Squadron Information Display

Racine Sail & Power Squadron

District-20    Initials-RA    State-WI
Name-Racine Sail & Power Squadron     Squadrons in District

America's Boating Club Name:
Chartered: 1964
Last COW: 04/01/2024 for Watch Year 2024
Note: This date was based on the anniversary of the last known COW
Next COW: None Scheduled for Watch Year 2025

Could not determine Commander
View Squadron Org Chart                     View Squadron Jobs History
Website: Access to website "" is currently blocked for non-conformance with USPS standards.
Reason: No ITC Contact -
Face Book Address: None
News Letter Name: None
External Picture Library: None
Public Contact: None
IT Contact: None
Area Covered/Time Zone: "Racine & Kenosha" / Central
Location Information:
ZIP 53108  CALEDONIA, WI   "Racine" County   View Zip Code Details
42.82° (49.2') N LAT    87.93° (55.8') W LON Show on a Map

Squadron Membership:
5 Current Members. View Member List
0 Associate Members. View Associate Member List
View List of Members with National Jobs.
View List of Members with District Jobs.
View List of Members with Squadron Jobs.

Record Last Modified: 06/15/22 by: JOBSLD

Squadron Burgee:

