If the course listing has a status of "Registration Closed", the course has already begun. The course contact will be able to tell you if late registration is permitted.
If the status is "Pending", a course in the same location is tentatively scheduled for the season listed. Check here for future schedule updates or try the contact for further information.
If the status is "Schedule Pending", the listed squadron has not decided where or when to hold their next course. The contact may be able to supply more information.
Squadron: Bellingham District: 16 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Madeline Mimi Tompkins Phone: 808-781-6464
Email: seo@boatingisfun.org
City: Bellingham, WA 98226
STATUS: Schedule Pending
Squadron: Bellingham District: 16 - America's Boating Course - 8hr - Web Site
Contact: Madeline Mimi Tompkins Phone: 808-781-6464
Email: education@boatingisfun.org
City: Bellingham, WA 98226
STATUS: Schedule Pending
Bellingham Seminars
Seminars are listed by City where they are taught within District.
Bellingham Classes
Classes are listed by City where they are taught within District.
Subject: Weather,
Squadron: Bellingham District: 16 - Web Site
Contact: Bob Jacobson Phone: 360-920-6345
Email: education@boatingisfun.org
Location: Sunrise Community Clubhouse
Address: 2121 Birch
City: Bellingham, WA 98229
Start Date: OCT 07, 2024 Time: 06:00PM
Registration Date: OCT 07, 2024Registration Time: 04:00PMSTATUS: Registration Closed