Educational Department

Lamp of Learning


Basic Weather and Forecasting

Weather for Boaters

Weather Seminar Cover Weather for Boaters Imags

“A veering wind will clear the sky;
A backing wind says storms are nigh.”

All boaters have heard this mariners's proverb or similar ones. They have a salty flavor that takes us back to the era of sailing ships. In this seminar students will learn the meteorological basis for them.

The safety and comfort of those who venture out-on-the-water have always been weather dependent. This seminar is a must for boaters who have never taken a weather course. The complex subject of weather is presented in a way that is both understandable and useful. Topics include:

  • Air Masses and Fronts;
  • Winds;
  • Storms;
  • Clouds and Thunderstorms;
  • Fog; and
  • Forecasting

Basic Weather and Forecasting and Weather for Boaters cover the same subjects. The first is a squadron-run seminar given by an instructor in a classroom setting and the second is an online seminar that can be taken at home via the Internet. Both versions have enhanced graphics with video and audio clips.

For the Basic Weather and Forecasting seminar the Instructor CD and hardcopy full-color Student Reference Guides should be ordered by squadrons from National HQ in the regular way. The Weather for Boaters online seminar includes a downloadable Reference guide.

Locate a Seminar near you or take this seminar on-line at your convenience!

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