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How do you move your boat from here to there? Via the safest route? In the least time? With accurate, consistent, and rock-solid knowledge of your position? And, how can you reconstruct and repeat your passage, or tell the oncoming watch the course to steer, speed to make, and bearings to take? Plotting and labeling your course using standard symbols, labels, and abbreviations is the way to go. In easy-to-understand form, here they are and how to use them.
USPS Guides are available to members and the public at various marine supply stores, and also directly from United States Power Squadrons Headquarters by calling 1-888-FOR-USPS between 8:00AM and 4:30PM ET Monday through Friday, or on-line via the United States Power Squadrons Ship's Store. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. These guides are also available to USPS members through their Squadron Educational Officer.