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USPS Boating Course

Learn to skipper a boat with confidence

The instruction given in our six-session public Boating Course is the best way to learn the basics of safe boating. There is a nominal charge to cover costs, including a student workbook, chart and other materials. Sign up, whether you own a power or a sailboat, are thinking of buying one, or enjoy boating with friends. This course is offered as a public service to adults and teenagers in over 500 local areas nationwide. Many insurance companies will give a discount to boat owners who have successfully completed the course. Instructors are knowledgeable volunteer members of the United states Power Squadrons who have taken advanced squadron courses. “The Squadron” is a non-profit organization of boating enthusiasts who already have taught over three million students how to make their boating safer and more enjoyable.

Session 1:

Boat Handling and Elementary Seamanship - Covers fueling, boat handling, courtesy, adverse conditions, anchors and anchoring.

Boat Types and Terms – Sail, hull types, boat displacement, other design aspects, basic terms.

Session 2:

Registration, Equipment Regulations and Safe Operation – Boat registration and required equipment, regulations, water sports.

State and Local Boating Regulations – Boating laws, state and local, that are unique to the area in which this course is being taught.

Marlinespike – Figure-eight knot, round turn and two half hitches, cleat hitch, bowline, coiling a line.

Weather – Weather information, low pressure, high pressure, fronts, squall lines, moving storms, anticyclone weather, fog, thunderstorms, lightning.

Session 3:

Charts and Aids to Navigation – Charts: What they are and show, latitude and longitude, scales, lateral system of buoyage, aids to navigation.

Regional Boating

  • Coastal Boating – Tides, tidal current and inlets.

  • Great Lakes Boating – Polyconic charts, aids to navigation.

  • Inland Boating – Hazards, facilities, charts and navigation, safety harbors, bridges, dikes-dams-jetties, reading the river, mooring and anchoring, locks and lockage.

Session 4:

Basic Navigation – Mariner’s compass, course plotting.

Engine Troubleshooting – Gasoline inboard engines, gasoline outboard engines, diesel inboard engines.

Session 5:

Piloting – Speed-time-distance calculations, 24-hour clock, dead reckoning, bearings.

Sailing Fundamentals – Running, rigging, leaving the dock, points of sailing (beating, tacking, reaching, running, jibing), returning to dock.

Session 6:

Navigation Rules - Definitioins, steering and sailing rules, navigation lights.

Marine Radiotelephone - General usage, licenses, operation and calling procedures.

Trailer Boating – Legal requirements, trailer and tow vehicle features and operatoins.

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Copyright ©  United States Power and Sail Squadrons wpe1.jpg (749 bytes) and Costa de Oro Power Squadron
Last modified: Feb. 1, 2003


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