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Advanced Courses Taught by Costa de Oro Squadron

Course Descriptions:


Building on the basics learned in Boating, the Seamanship course is an important foundation for other "advanced grade" courses.  The student learns -

Basic marlinespike seamanship
Hull design
Navigation rules
Operation under normal and adverse conditions
Responsibilities of the skipper
Fire prevention and control
Basic first aid
Common courtesies on the water
Boat care
Nautical customs and flag etiquette



This course is the first of a two-part program studying inland and coastal navigation.   Its focus is on the fundamentals of piloting - keeping track of a boat's movements, determining one's position at any time and laying out courses to a planned destination.   Included are subjects such as -

Charts and their use
Aids to navigation
The mariner's compass
Variation and deviation of the compass
Plotting and steering courses
Dead reckoning
Plotting and labeling charts

Advanced Piloting:

Advanced Piloting builds on the knowledge gained in Piloting to teach you how to navigate safely in coastal waters -- predict tides and tidal currents and their impact on your position, advanced positioning techniques, and the use of electronic navigation systems for positioning and course planning.

Junior Navigator:

Junior Navigator begins your study of offshore (open-ocean) navigation -- integrated electronic positioning systems, sight taking with a mariner's sextant on the sun, moon, planets, and stars, how to reduce sights using the nautical almanac to determine your position, and passage planning with special open-ocean charts.


Navigation further develops your understanding of celestial navigation theory and your skills in sight taking and reduction -- additional sight reduction techniques and the orderly methods of carrying on the day's work of a navigator at sea. Of particular interest and importance is the study of offshore navigation using minimal data and/or equipment, such as when on a disable vessel or lifeboat.

For more information on these courses contact or



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Copyright ©  United States Power and Sail Squadrons
wpe1.jpg (749 bytes) and Costa de Oro Power Squadron
Last modified: February 28, 2000