Enroll in United States Power Squadron's

America's Boating Class

As of May 1, 2010 any person under the age of 26, must successfully complete a NASBLA approved boating education course before operating any vessel propelled by a motor of 10 Hp or greater. G.S. 75A-16.2 Learn the fundamentals of Safe boat handling, operation, and basic piloting in one comprehensive course. Passing this course makes you compliant with North Carolina Law!

ABC Class Begins: Monday night on September 21, 2015 from 7:00PM-9:00PM at McMannen United Methodist Church, 4102 Neal Road, Durham. There is a $60 charge for books and course materials. This course will meet for 4 weeks (Short course) or 8 weeks (Optional Full course).

The first four classes cover the basics needed to operate a boat safely.  It meets the minimum requirements of states having mandatory recreational boating education.  The next four classes add basic information on both paper and digital charts and basic piloting techniques with some demonstration of the use of the Rose Point Navigational Software supplied on CD.

Contact Information: To register, contact:

        Doug Campbell, Education Officer
        Phone: (919) 451-0416
        e-Mail: Doug Campbell

This course is taught by
members of the Durham
Sail & Power Squadron.

Now over 50 years in operation.