Chartered 1940

Located in District 9. Grosse Ile Power Squadron is a Unit of United States Power Squadrons® (USPS®) Sail and Power Boating.
A Non-Profit Educational Organization. Educating and Serving Recreational Sail and Power Boaters in Portions of Wayne and Monroe Counties in Southeast Michigan.

Bridge Officers
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Educational Dept.
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2010–11 Bridge Officers

Rank Name Phone Number E-Mail Address
Commander Cdr John T. Rose, JN (734) 676-4387
Executive Officer Lt/C Francis C. Kootsillas, AP (734) 676-7933  
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, SN (734) 671-5834
Administrative Officer P/C William P. Morreau, AP (734) 676-7982  
Secretary Lt/C Frances W. Rose, P (734) 676-4387  
Treasurer Lt/C Timothy Walker, JN (734) 671-6898  

2009 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Lee V. Boslooper, P
Executive Officer P/C William P. Morreau, AP
Educational Officer P/C Michael E. Mastal, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Terry Morreau, S
Secretary Lt/C JoAnn Schwenk, AP
Treasurer Lt/C Janet Coursey

2008 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander P/D/C Edwin R. Schwenk, SN
Executive Officer P/C William P. Morreau, AP
Educational Officer P/C Michael E. Mastal, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Lee V. Boslooper, P
Secretary Lt/C JoAnn Schwenk, AP
Treasurer P/C Andrew Zakar, SN

2007 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Heather A. McHugh, AP
Executive Officer Lt/C Michael T. Egan, P
Educational Officer P/C Michael E. Mastal, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Lee V. Boslooper, P
Secretary Lt/C JoAnn Schwenk, AP
Treasurer P/D/C Edwin R. Schwenk, SN

2006 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Fran Mastal, P
Executive Officer Lt/C Heather McHugh, AP
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Shannon Egan, S
Secretary P/C Michael E. Mastal, SN
Treasurer Lt/C Mike Egan, S

2005 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr John T. Cieluch, JN
Executive Officer Lt/C Fran Mastal, P
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Heather McHugh, AP
Secretary P/C Sally Rulon, SN
Treasurer Lt/C Mike Egan, S

2004 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Dennis McHugh, AP
Executive Officer Lt/C John T. Cieluch, AP
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Fran Mastal, P
Secretary P/C Sally Rulon, SN
Treasurer Lt/C Heather McHugh, AP

2003 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Bob Figi, P
Executive Officer Lt/C Dennis McHugh, AP
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C John T. Cieluch, P
Secretary Lt/C Judith K. Allard, AP
Treasurer Lt/C Mary Smelter, SN
Asst. Treasurer P/Lt/C Timothy P. Walker, AP

2002 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Carl R. Roush, AP
Executive Officer P/C Bob Figi, P
Educational Officer Lt/C Robert Lang, N
Administrative Officer Lt/C Dennis McHugh, AP
Secretary P/C Wally Pociask, AP
Treasurer Lt/C Mary Smelter, SN
Asst. Treasurer P/C Andy Zakar, SN

2001 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Ed Allard, AP
Executive Officer Lt/C Carl R. Roush, AP
Educational Officer P/C Sally Rulon, JN
Administrative Officer P/C Bob Figi, P
Secretary Lt/C Fran Mastal, P
Treasurer Lt/C Mary Smelter, SN
Asst. Treasurer P/C Andy Zakar, SN

2000 Bridge

Rank Name
Commander Cdr Michael E. Mastal, SN
Executive Officer Lt/C Ed Allard, P
Educational Officer P/C Sally Rulon, JN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Carl R. Roush, S
Secretary Lt/C Judy Allard, P
Treasurer Lt/C Mary Smelter, SN

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®The USPS Ensign (Flag Design), "Wheel-and-Flag Design, "Officer Trident Design," "United States Power Squadrons," "USPS," "The Ensign," "The Squadron" with flag graphic, "Paddle Smart," "USPS University," "Boat Smart," "Jet Smart," "America's Boating Club" and the "USPS Trade Dress" are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons. The Squadron Boating Course is a service mark of United States Power Squadrons.  

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