Lake Superior Cruise 2020
Marquette Light House
Some of the Flotilla in St. Marys River
Superior Cruise token trawler
And of course there's always food

Clsases Clsases Clsases

America's Boating Club Grand Traverse Bay

A boating club with activities all year long, from the Shakedown Cruise in June through the Cruise of the Bay in September to our monthly winter dinner meetings, there is always something happening.

We offer boating classes through Extended Education Services of Northwestern Michigan College that range from a basic boating course for the Michigan Boating Safety Certificate, to advanced classes.

Change of Watch 2024

Congratulations to the new bridge sworn in at the December Change of Watch. Nicole Smethells is the new Commander while Bill Smethells is the Executive Officer and John Holcombe the Administrative Officer. The remainder of the officers has not changed with Dan Cline as Secretary, Craig Shantz, Squadron Education Officer, and Cathy Holcombe as Treasurer. Mary Petterson and Bill Ryzyi are new Members at Large.
It was an honor to have National Staff Commander Bill Stano, JN swear in the new Commander and Bridge Officers. This was done via Zoom as he was at his winter home in Florida. Stf/C Stano also brought us up to date on the insurance situation which was much appreciated by members The monthly meeting was a combination Change of Watch and Christmas celebration. Many members wore their colorful holiday finest and the festive meal was finished off with a delicious Grant Traverse Bay Burgee decorated cake.

eQuality Cruise 2024 in the Books

This year's eQuality Cruise was on Lake Michigan. As it have been for the past several years the eQuality Cruise was held in conjunction with the Great Lakes Cruising Club's anual Rendezvous. So there were two starting locations, one was Escanaba for those leaving from the GLCC Rendezvous and the other was home ports. The two met in Frankfort on July 20 and continued down the shoreline of Michigan as far as Pentwater then returned to Grand Traverse Bay stoping at different ports on the way back. Ten boats participated in at least part of the cruise with several boats doing the entire route. All agree it was a great event and are looking forward to next year's cruise in the North Channel.

February Dinner Meeting

February 6
Social Hour 6:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Lunch with the Commander

February 13
Cottage Restaurant

Excom Meeting

January 23
4:00 p.m.