February 2005

Edition of the Milford Power Squadron

Charles Island Bell Newsletter

Commanders Report

Course Anywhere

Technical Note On Charts

Education Report

Commanders Report

Our new equipment, the laptop and projector, is currently being used in the Piloting Course being instructed by George Sender. Our Electronic Chairman, Bruce Ross is overseeing the operation of the equipment to help George. My latest report from the class was that it was being received very favorably particularly by the instructor.

We are introducing a SAIL course this spring since we haven't presented one in about 5 years. We trust there are many sailors out there in membership who would like to brush up on the fundamentals. So here is your opportunity. Please call me on (203) 876-8261 if you are interested and once we hear from you we'll set a date.

We are now presenting one Boating Course a month this spring and hope that this brings in more students interested in the Squadron Membership. A few more members would do just fine since our membership at present stands around 70.

Hope everyone is well thru this winter and don't give up hope as spring is quite near and the covers will be coming off soon

Please come out to our Dinner get-togethers so we can talk

See you soon everyone and Happy Sailing

Bob Reeves, Cdr.

Course Anywhere

Would You Like to Present a Private "Boat Smart" course??--- or---- Would you like to present a "Chart Smart" Course

Milford Power and Sail Squadron would be pleased to support you in presenting either of these courses as a refresher or to get you state license.---

For the Girl or Boy Scouts,
For your YMCA or Church Group
For your Sports group
For your Business Group
For your Seniors Club
For your Bowling Club or Card group

· To become more acquainted with Boating- to update yourself on the rules of the "Sea Road"

· To familiarize yourself with Position Location and Plotting courses using Charts

Milford Squadron will present the "Boat Smart" or "Chart Smart" course on 3 days or 3 evenings of 2 hours each at the place of your choice (suitable for a classroom). There must be 5 or more participants at a cost of $45 each. We will supply the instructor and all the training aids and course materials. If a State License is desired, we will give the exam and supply the application for the license.

Are you interested ? Then call Bob Reeves, Milford Power and Sail Squadron Education Officer on 876-8261 to discuss details.

Technical Note On Charts

If you are going for that extended cruise, you should be aware of the importance of having up-to-date charts in your inventory. The important reference material to get prior to your cruise is:

CATALOG 1, CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS (no definite publishing schedule)
DATE OF LATEST EDITIONS (published yearly)
NOTICE TO MARINERS (published monthly in winter and weekly in summer)
CURRENT LIGHT LIST (published yearly)
ELDRIDGE (Tides and Currents published yearly)

"Catalog 1-Charts and Publications" ( sometimes called Chart 1) is a catalog or a pamphlet. It is a presentation of the chart numbers of the major charts available on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. By looking at the map of the United States Atlantic Coast you can select the area you will be cruising and then select the appropriate chart.

"Date of Latest Editions" is a listing of all the chart numbers and the scale, edition number, edition date, and price. The edition date will let you know if you purchased the most up to date chart which is important for coastal cruising. This document is published quarterly.

"Notice To Mariners" is mailed monthly and weekly to those on distribution. It presents all the changes to Navigational Aids in coastal waters from Eastport Maine to Shrewsbury, New Jersey. It also gives Light List corrections and any discrepancies to aids that have been reported. This document along with the Light List will be used to update your Chart to the present for your safety in navigating coastal waters.

"Chart 1 - Charts and Publications" and the "Dates of Latest Editions" may be obtained at no additional charge from the following:

Distribution Branch,(N/CG33)
National Ocean Service
Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1199

"Notice to Mariners" may be accessed on the internet on www.navcen.uscg.mil or may be mailed to you on a regular basis by writing to:

Commander, First Coast Guard District (oan)
408 Atlantic Ave.
Boston, Mass. 02110-3350

Light List - This document will give you a complete description & location of every Navigation Aid on the Sound. It will present a more complete description of the light or buoy than that identified on the chart. The "Light List" is published yearly & may be obtained at any Boating Store or Marina Chandelery. It costs about $30.

Eldridge - This book can be purchased at your local marina for only $8. It contains a wealth of information about the local tides and currents in Long Island Sound. It is an absolute requirement for Sailboaters and a much needed item for the Powerboater.

Now get your CHARTS !

Education Report

Boat Smart

We are currently prepared to start our spring ?courses at Foran High School on the 16 of Feb. Bob Post is the instructor. Right behind is the course at Milford library on the 16th of Feb. Which is a Saturday course. This is being given for 2 Saturdays and Tony Barbieri is the Instructor ably assisted by Bill Carotenuto to present section 3 and the final exam. We will follow up this months courses with one in March on the 19th and 26th at Milford Library. We haven't set the dates for the courses in April at this time but expect to hold two classes of Boat Smart at the Milford Yacht Club.


This class is progressing nicely with George Sender as the instructor and trying to phase in the new material on GPS navigation. Bruce Ross is helping out with the electronics which is a great help. Thanks very much Bruce-good job! We are extremely weak in this area and with National bringing in the electronic material we find ourselves a little weak in this technique. So it would be beneficial if any squadron member can assist us in this area we would greatly appreciate it.
George's class is headed for the final exams now we wish them all the luck---.

Basic Celestial Navigation (JN)

This course is progressing nicely with all 3 students extremely interested in what goes on in the outer world. We have now progressed to the point of making complete sight reductions and are waiting for better weather to go to the beach for some practical sextant work.

Since I am the instructor for the JN course, I find it difficult to start an Advanced Piloting course at this time. If any squadron member feels capable of instructing this subject please let me know and we can set you up with the next class. We will give you all the help and direction you want in order to get your feet wet.

Sail Course

This course is being given in two modules: Sail 101 is Basic Sailing with Sail 102 is Advanced Sailing.

SA101 consists of the following introductory course topics:

· Sailboat Rigs
· Sail Plans
· Boat Design and Hull Types
· Sails
· Standing Rigging
· Wind
· Preparing to Sail
· Sailing Upwind
· Sailing Downwind
· Docking and Anchoring
· Marlinspike Seamanship
· Navigation Rules I

If you are interested in taking this course we would like to present SA101 this April and SA102 next September.

Please call me and let me know if you are interested.

Happy Sailing,

Bob Reeves, SEO

Education Calendar - January 2005

Tuesday's Piloting Continues, Egan Center George Sender, Rm 136, 7:00PM

Monday's Junior Navigation continues, Bob Reeves
(Basic Celestial Navigation) Egan Center, 07:00PM

16 Feb, Wednesday Boat Smart, Foran High School, Bob Post 7-9PM

19,26 Feb, Saturday Boat Smart, Milford Library Tony Barbieri
1 March, Tuesday Boat Smart, Sound School Bill Carotenuto

19,26 March, Saturday Boat Smart, Milford Library Bill Carotenuto
5 April, Tuesday Chart Smart, Sound School Bill Carotenuto

9,16 April, Saturday Boat Smart, Milford Yacht Club Dick Boardman

14,21 May, Saturday Boat Smart, Milford Library

4,11 June, Saturday Boat Smart, Milford Yacht Club

April ? SAIL COURSE Please call if interested.

If you care to sign up for any of these courses please call Bob Reeves, 876-8261 or E-Mail to

Events Calendar