Valley Ho Power Squadron
Advanced and Elective Classes (USPS Members Only) Advanced Classes Piloting starts November 2, 2004
Members let us know what class you would like, see the Home Study Course below. Contact Jay Robertson (818) 360-4349 Advanced Grade classes are designed to be taken in sequence (but do not need to be) after Boating, beginning with Seamanship and continuing through Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Junior Navigation and Navigation.


Seamanship is the first of the Advanced classes offered by USPS. The course material generally expands on material presented initially in the public Boating Course, but with significantly more depth. Currently the course is divided into two modules of six and five chapters each, with each chapter treating a particular topic. There are from 20 to 45 questions at the end of each chapter for the student to answer to see how well the material is understood, and to prepare for the final examinations.

Module 101 is titled Keel of Education and the chapters are:

The Skipper’s Responsibilities
Before Leaving the Dock
Weather and Wave Forms
Nautical Etiquette and Customs

Module 102 is titled Know Before You Go and the chapters are:

Hull Design and Care
Docking and Undocking
Mooring and Dinghies
Cruising Considerations
Boating Emergencies - Be Prepared

The paragraphs in each chapter are numbered for easy reference, and the material is very readable, informative, and comprehensive.  The student should consider each aspect of the course when the boat is taken out for a day’s sail or for more extended cruising.

Currently the course is offered by Valley Ho as a home study course with answers to the questions graded by e-mail before the final examination is scheduled. Piloting Advanced Piloting Junior Navigation Navigation Elective Classes Members let us know what class you would like, see the Home Study Course below. Contact Jay Robertson (818) 360-4349 Sailing Engine Mechanics Weather Valley Ho Squadron Educational Chair: P/C J Robertson SN (818)-360-4349
EDUCATION DEPT You don’t have time to take a structured class? You want to learn more about boating? How about a home study class? We currently offer 4 electives and three advanced grades for home study. Everyone who takes the class will be assigned a mentor. Now YOU don’t have an excuse. HOME STUDY COURSE PROPOSAL We are proposing to offer all our courses (except for Basic Boating) as home study options, which would provide busy members a way to obtain their course qualifications without having to attend class at a particular time. The idea is that any member who wants to take a course would be assigned a coach who would work with him or her by phone or e-mail, and meetings when and if necessary, to correct the homework, answer questions, complete the course, and take the exam, all with no set limits of completion.
Technically, all USPS courses are already available to members for home study, but not in an organized fashion; we would organize the process and possibly make a home study our major path for course completion.
Coaches would be selected by the Local Board chairmen from volunteers among the membership who have taken a desired course and who wish to participate in the program. We would anticipate having a group of coaches for each course, so that no coach would have to work with more than one student at a time unless he or she wants to. The usual fee for manuals and incidentals would be charged. All courses would still be offered in traditional classroom arrangement, with regularly scheduled instruction, if enough students are interested at any time. In this case, determining whether the number of students is enough would be up to the instructor, as it is now.