Valley Ho Power Squadron

Executive Board Meetings

The Valley Ho Executive Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month unless a holiday occurs on this date.  The meeting is the place where the business of your Squadron is conducted. The Commander convenes the meeting at 1930 (7:30 pm) with a call to order and recitation of the pledge to the flag of the United States. After reading any messages from the District 13 and National Bridges, or any other pertinent communications, the Commander calls on each Bridge officer for reports of the activities within their Departments. The Roster issued annually displays the functions within each Department. Each Bridge Officer has the option of making the reports or calling on the appointed officer for each activity in the Department. These reports are given to explain to the Bridge, Executive Committee Members, and any regular members in attendance the conduct and progress of the activities. Questions may be posed by any in attendance although voting on issues is limited to a voice vote of the Executive Committee and Bridge Officers only. Voting on Squadron matters requiring the full membership is done at separate Squadron Member meetings usually held in conjunction with dinners or Dry Land Cruises. The schedule for these meetings or for any “emergency” special membership meeting is given in the “Full & By”. The Treasurer reports on the financial status of the Squadron, and is available to receive any bills that might be presented and to pay any obligations. Generally, new members are inducted into the organization at these meetings at the special request of the Commander The Executive Board meetings are open to all and members are encouraged to attend to better understand the workings of the Squadron. No one, other than a designated Squadron officer or the appointed Lieutenant, is expected or required to participate in the Executive Board meeting or to say anything if they do not wish to, although no one is discouraged from expressing opinions or ideas. The official meetings usually only last about an hour, but there is often a 30 minute presentation preceding the meeting, either by video or by a guest speaker, on a subject of general boating interest.  Attendance at this meeting is an excellent way for members to become familiar with their Bridge and Executive Committee. Dress is casual, and members may arrive or depart on their own schedules.

by Max Yost