America's Boating Club

United States Power Squadrons

Member Benefits

From TechSoup Stock


TechSoup Stock connects nonprofits with donated and discounted technology products.

Computer Software & Hardware Discounts

TechSoup Stock connects nonprofits such as the USPS ® with donated and discounted technology products in the supportive environment of the TechSoup Stock Web site. Choose from over 400 products from over 70 providers including Cisco and Microsoft. Although the program is not available as a general member benefit, those members who hold key roles in the squadron/district by volunteering their time and resources to achieve the goals of USPS and require certain software to facilitate that work can participate through the squadron.

In October 2015, the TechSoup website was updated. The information provided below is the best of our ability to provide you with information. In general, to sign up, join, or make access change to an existing account you can't get access to, go to the site and choose JOIN. Follow the links and it will walk you through what is needed. If you have any questions, please read through their FAQ page under SUPPORT. USPS does not have a contact to assist in any issue. Please address all questions to their customer support, found at the bottom of each page ("Contact Us").

Each squadron is required to provide documents attesting to 501(c)e status to receive discount. These documents are available through headquarters at 1-888-FOR-USPS.

Click here to visit TechSoup Stock's website!

FAQs on the DiscounTech site! This will offer answers to many of your questions. This includes if you have an account and have questions as well as how to create an account. If setting up a new account, please see the notes below.

The FAQ will also contain steps on how to change the account in case the previous person that set it up is no longer available.

How do I update my account If you do not know if you have an account, or who setup an account go to and click on Join. follow the steps to create a new account and you'll find out at that time.

Note...Any changes to a registered TechSoup Stock squadron profile requires a faxed re-submittal of all documentation. Include your subordinate unit 501(c)(3) status letter (from HQ); include the "Qualification" form (pdf) filled out completely; include a letter on your squadron's letterhead stating that you are a subordinate local unit of USPS® located at a different address from the address on your organization's 501(c)(3) Determination Letter (include both addresses). See sample language at the bottom of TechSoup Stock's "Qualification" form.

What are the updated organization types used for organization registration? (Types updated November 2006)

Note*** Several of our squadron subordinate units have successfully qualified their squadron by registering using one of the following "type" and "subtype".

Other Instruction and Training Activities

  • Other instruction and training

Civil Rights Activities

  • Other civil rights activities

Inner City or Community Activities

  • Community service organization


Help from the TechSoup Stock Community:

You can ask your technology questions in the Community Discussions on TechSoup Stock, or browse the forums for message threads that may contain the answers you need.


Posted 01 July 2007, updated 25 June 2010, updated 10 November 2015, 23 November 2015