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UR1@J~#uc#}\)G( / 0DAriala 0X0@ xO 0xDTahoma 0X0@ xO 0x DVerdana 0X0@ xO 0x"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` ;&   !"#$%&'()*3456789:,R$;彷UK~6n 0AA@333@ʚ;̕8ʚ;g4cdcd O 0p7p@ <4ddddv 0  @&MMPROD_NEXTUNIQUEID 10009MMPROD_UIDATA<database version="7.0"><object type="1" unique_id="10001"><object type="8" unique_id="10002"></object><object type="2" unique_id="10003"><object type="3" unique_id="10004"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 1 - &quot;Leadership&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="256"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10005"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 2 - &quot;Possible Reasons&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="257"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10018"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 4 - &quot;The WHEN Obstacle &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="260"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10160"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 3 - &quot;The Obstacles&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="262"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10161"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 5 - &quot;The OTHER Obstacles (Cont d) &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="263"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10162"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 6 - &quot;WHY Won t THEY & &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="264"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10163"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 9 - &quot;Why People Volunteer&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="265"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10164"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 11 - &quot; What is Motivation?&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="266"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10165"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 14 - &quot;Motivation is a Very Individual and Internal Concept&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="267"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10194"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 7 - &quot;BECAUSE & &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="268"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10195"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 8 - &quot;Is it the ISM Culture?&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="269"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10437"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 12 - &quot; Motivation is like:&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="271"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10438"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 13 - &quot; Motivated VOLUNTEERS &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="270"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10439"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 15 - &quot;Two Way Street of the&#x0D;&#x0A;Highly Motivated&#x0D;&#x0A;Organizations &amp; Volunteers&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="272"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10444"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 17 - &quot;Remember&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="277"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10578"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 10 - &quot;AND the BIG Reason IS & &quot;"/><property id="20307" value="278"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10579"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 16 - &quot;So What s Next?&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="279"/></object><object type="3" unique_id="10580"><property id="20148" value="5"/><property id="20300" value="Slide 18 - &quot;Questions ????&quot;"/><property id="20307" value="280"/></object></object></object></database>>,SECTOMILLISECCONVERTED10___PPT10 j___PPT9LD<n2)BiŰ\2yPNG  IHDR exsRGB3PLTE3f3ff3333f3ffffff̙̙ff33fff i cmPPJCmp0712|m. tRNSSOxoIDATWmI0Pa O[I}}dlQU} Pɔ' r)`M%C;a# 1j͇g<l`%}/4X.IENDB`?X-(10-11 September 2009 LeadershipO  =! Leadership <@ Why Won t They Do What I Want? !!,Possible Reasons<Can t Read Your Mind Haven t Sold the Idea Why Should They Don t Understand What to Do Need Further Direction Need Others to Help $ The Obstacles<VThe WHEN s The TRIED s The NOT s The WANT sv,H Z00000000 The WHEN Obstacle 266 6| They did what they were supposed to do  They knew how it was done  They followed the Ops Manual  They wanted to help  They didn t want to just have fun  They & & .. (Fill in the Blanks)":The OTHER Obstacles (Cont d) ,The  TRIED s We  TRIED that and it didn t & The  NOT s USPS or  US The  WANT s Daytime "    3  WHY Won t THEY & " GTake Courses Come to Events Become Involved Take Leadership Positions FH Z,,3,,3, ,3,,3  BECAUSE &  Don t see the NEED Not enough TIME Nothing INTERESTING How does that benefit ME~PH Z,,3 ,,3, ,3,,3" Is it the ISM Culture?H 3ISOLATIONISM  Protected from  things around them  OUTSIDE World is electronically connected CONSUMERISM  If it doesn t work buy a new one INDIVIDUALISM  EVERYONE wants to be a STAR! ME  ME ISM  Satisfy ME NOW  Immediate Gratification!Z $$3$"$'$$$$$$$3$ " $#$ $$3$"$$$$$$$$3$"$  $  $  $  $  $$"$$(($ Why People VolunteerContribute to the Community Learn or Use New Skills Develop New Relationships Have a Sense of Accomplishment and Self-worth Meet Outside Requirements Challenge Themselves Work for a Cause Be Recognized for their AbilitiesZ42AND the BIG Reason IS & 43  MOTIVATION  P3  What is Motivation? ,0No great trick & Simply find out what people like to do usually what they CAN do well  and then LET them DO IT!{,$ $3$$ $$3$ $$$$3$P(& Motivation is like: ,,,Winding a Watch  it takes a few minutes to wind but can run by itself for days A Shot of Adrenaline  When your energy is low, it gets you over the obstacles A Special Flower  it blooms with care and dies with overworking A Bouncing Ball  it needs a hand to keep bouncingh _P$$@$$$$;$$$$0$$$$#$$ Motivated VOLUNTEERS @, ,, ,,!Understand and Value the Payoffs.V" 3 4Motivation is a Very Individual and Internal Concept55$Motivation is a person s drive to satisfy one of their needs  BUT it s a two-way street. l[100 00300 0(ATwo Way Street of the Highly Motivated Organizations & Volunteers"B'3Organizations Accomplish: Goals Short-term plans Teamwork Payoffs for the organization Volunteers Receive: Recognition Interesting jobs Responsibility Achievements PEPPAPP 3 E 3 @6So What s Next?NTake it slow Talk to people  Be creative Find their interests  talents Make them feel appreciated Develop strategies and goals They absolutely CANNOT read your mind!     32RemembertPeople will forget what you said People will forget what you did But people will never forget how you made them feeluu8Questions ????<Thank YOU For Participating! b000</     !#%')3579   0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@(?" dd@  f"  _7 n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> `r(    6<  " `   T Click to edit Master title style! !&  0  " `   TClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level !    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33___PPT10i..pu+D=' = @B +  0 P(  x  c $Hϫ  `     c $$8{ `p   *ZK#  0(A{ PLbZR___PPT94,  Provide a Reason to participate. Provide Recognition. Provide clearly defined and well communicated Goals. Conduct Stimulating meetings.] ! $$3$ $3%$$$3$ $ $3 $$J=5]U}  0P{ @ Z"Four methods of motivating people:# 2#$H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i..pu+D='  = @B +   0 |2(  |r | S ,V{  `    | S c{ @ `  {  H | 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i..(+D='  = @B +  0 @(  x  c $|w{ ` `P     c $$x{  `3 {  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i..(+D='  = @B +}  0 p$(  r  S   `   r  S  ` `   H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.00@+D='  = @B +  0 N0 0<(  ~  s *!  `   ~  s *!  `   H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.vh1+D='  = @B +R  0 @8(  r  S X{  `  {    s X{ 0e0e #" 0eo <$ 0 {  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10.0! +D.'  = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D ' =%(D' =%(Dp' =A@BB BB0B%()))D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*+8+0+0 + 0 @((  ^  S       c $g  9 3    H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.'Ȑ. 0  >(   ^  S       c $\`  9 3   4 Some of the possible reasons might be:  They can t read your mind  just because you know them so well, doesn t mean they anticipate what you want to do.  They might not have bought into the idea  it might be a great idea BUT YOU have to convince them  They may not have figured out what to do  be clear and concise  They may need more information to complete the task  They may need more helpH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.'Z 0 tl8(  8^ 8 S     f 8 c $蜓 9 3   The WHEN Obstacle or  WHEN I WAS &  They did what they were supposed to do. knew how it was done followed the Ops Manual really wanted to help didn t just want to play or have fun Have the workshop do a few  Fill in the Blanks H 8 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.*() 0 nf H(  H^ H S     ` H c $ 9 3   Here are just some of the obstacles The When s, the Tried s, the Not s, and the Want s,4H H 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.v. X 0 ( @P(  Pd P c $     P s *D  9 3   6The OTHER Obstacles or the  TRIED s , the  NOT s or the  WANT s We TRIED that & . And it didn t work  Give an example of something that failed in the past that was tried again and succeeded  a potluck, or a rendezvous or a membership idea. It s NOT USPS or  US  image of trailering or paddlers versus the  big boats Sometimes people want just the opposite of what is offered  they want Daytime events when a Nighttime event is offered. Or a Past event like a band and dinner dance or a catered event or something at someone s home.P  H P 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.*() 0 h(  h^ h S      h c $D  9 3   rHow does this all fit with their taking courses? Or come to an Event or Get Involved or take Leadership Positions?H h 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..@j  0 zrp (  p^ p S     l p c $D  9 3   Since USPS is a truly volunteer organization, let s talk about some of the reasons people volunteer. The major one is to contribute to the community But some want to learn or use new skills or develop new relationships Have a sense of accomplishment and self-worth Maybe there is an outside requirements  a job requirement or Sometimes people want to challenge themselves Or work for a cause  Habitat for Humanity  help in a disaster Sometimes it allows people to be recognize for their abilities. H p 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..Ȩ  0  x(  x^ x S      x c $L{  9 3   We all understand the word Motivation but If you find out WHAT they LIKE TO DO (usually what they DO WELL) and then LET them DO IT!H x 0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..P&uY  0 i(  ^  S       c $t{  9 3   _KAlthough MOTIVATION is very individual and internal, it is a TWO WAY STREETH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..  0  (  ^  S     z  c $  9 3   Just some of the possible reasons are: If they don t see the NEED (Communications) Maybe they don t have enough TIME (Have to Sell the idea) Is it INTERESTING? (Communications, Selling) What s in it for ME? (Communications, Selling, and Altruism) H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10./З#  0 80@(  ^  S     *  c $xƮ  9 3   Think about the world we live in. Although we are technologically advanced we re isolated from one another and connect  ELECTRONICALLY We re consumers  we don t fix things anymore  we buy new We are individuals  although we want to be with a group  we still want to shine. We re very impatient  we want the dessert now  not the meal.H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10./Fn` 0 `p(  d  c $    {   s *H{  9 3  {  ZFMethods of motivating people are: Provide the REASON to participate Provide RECOGNITION  really important Provide GOALS Conduct STIMULATING (Interesting) meetingsH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..P&u 0 2*(  d  c $      s *3{  9 3   Motivation is like Winding a Watch; a Shot of Adrenaline; a Special Flower; or A Bouncing Ball Don t like these examples? Use your own  like different motivations for a very small child to an older teenH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10..P&uI 0 Y(  d  c $      s *T  9 3   C/Organizations Accomplish and Volunteers ReceiveH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.. 0  @(  d  c $    {   s *{  9 3  {  NThe BEST ADAGE  How YOU made them feel#H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.0 0 `(  ^  S       c $  9 3   But what ever underlying reasons  people need to have MOTIVATIONH  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.002 0 B(  ^  S     {   c ${  9 3  {  8$What s Next Slow, Talk, Creativity, Interests, Talents Appreciate them, Develop those Strategies and Goals They Absolutely CANNOT read your mind!H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.0  0 ((  ^  S     {   c $ܳ{  9 3  {   H  0ηo~ ? 3380___PPT10.0p/ rpTG[Ddsu z0~ 4IaB>%[)YMcd2iX7g>ls ܲ91Oh+'0 hp    (0 LeadershipSusan L. DarcyBlue-Green-with-whaleSusan L. Darcy20Microsoft Office PowerPoint@` [@'@mGhg  ,V'&" WMFC <8?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=?@ABCDEGHIJKLMRRoot EntrydO)PicturesCurrent UserFSummaryInformation(ЭPowerPoint Document( DocumentSummaryInformation8>