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About Us

National USPS FHPS
Organized in 1914, USPS® is a non profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. USPS has some 60,000 members organized into 450 squadrons across the country and in some US territories.

USPS is the world's largest non-profit boating organization and has been honored by three US presidents for its civic contributions. Each squadron's activities involve the three primary objectives of USPS: community service, continuing education, and enjoying the friendship and camaraderie of our fellow members.

sail and motor boat picture

Interested in learning more?
Visit the USPS National web site at
The Friday Harbor Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, is centered in the San Juan Islands and is one of 17 squadrons in Washington. We are primarily a fraternal boating club emphasizing recreational boating safety through education and civic service while providing fellowship for our members.

sunset picture

Currently the Squadron has 140 members and over 50 boats, but it's not necessary to own a boat to become a member.

Find out what membership has to offer or email John Towson for more information (or call at (360) 378-4843).
A copy of our By-laws are available in PDF format.  You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.  You can obtain a free copy of Acrobat Adobe Reader for personal use at:    Click for Information and Map on Area.