Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron

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History: Closer to Home

It's June 1958, three Manatee County residents travel to Sarasota for their monthly Power Squadron meeting. Rev. H. C. Benjamin, Jack Ehrenzeller, and Alan MacKenzie are discussing the idea of a Power Squadron serving Manatee County. So it was, the seed was planted, it was time to establish a squadron closer to home.

AMISPS BurgeeMeetings were held, letters written, ideas explored. "Anna Maria Island Power Squadron" was accepted for the name that would symbolize its birthplace, but the squadron was to serve all of Manatee County. Ray Sherman designed a squadron burgee, hopes and enthusiasm ran high.

Alas, it was a short-lived euphoria. National Headquarters rejected the initial application for charter. Rev. Benjamin personally visits the National offices for further (amen!) discussions. The application for charter is resubmitted, and, with Headquarters having seen the error of their previous ways, the charter is approved.

The dream, tempered with determination, is a reality closer to completion. This was to be the first of many obstacles to overcome.

Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, sponsored by Sarasota Power Squadron becomes the ninth squadron in District 22. The charter dated 10 November 1958 contains the names of twenty-four Charter Members, the men who gave us our heritage.

The early years were spent solving problems and expanding. A growing membership is demanding more services; meeting facilities are obtained and then lost; classes are taught in homes, churches, etc. Financial burdens seem overwhelming, the outlook for the future is somber. Commander Frank Brechlin, 1970, appoints a large committee and charges them with a mandate to resolve these issues.

AMISPS buildingAt about this time, the Manatee County School board offered for sale the Palma Sola Community Hall. This is a fifty two year old school house located on two acres of land. At the price of $11,500, with allowances for rehabilitation and a very large allowance for determination, the purchase is a go.